Swift Maker - Ship iOS Apps Faster, Profit Sooner | Product Hunt

Ship iOS Apps Faster
Profit Sooner

The Ultimate SwiftUI Boilerplate Booster for iOS Developers that slashes development time and boosts your app market entry speed.

Product Demo

It's More Than Just Time Lost.

It's missed opportunities. Each day your app isn't in the market, you're losing potential revenue, user engagement, and a chance to leave your 9-5 job. And with the fast-paced nature of technology, delay mean obsolescence.


Days to repeat development over


Working days and nights without end


Discourage = stop making apps

Tired of not shipping side projects?

Your Project without Swift Maker

  • Rebuilding the same project structures
  • Getting your app to market feels like an eternity
  • Integrating essentials like In-App Purchases is a headache.
  • Constant fear that your OpenAI keys could be stolen.
  • Every delay pushes your potential earnings further into the future.

Your Project + Swift Maker

  • Leap from concept to launch in record time
  • Backend and tool setups are too easy
  • Concentrate on what makes your app unique.
  • Sleep soundly knowing your projects are protected against threats.
  • Accelerates your journey to profitability.

let launch_time = "Today"

Boost your productivity instantly, ship faster and make money $

Cut through the noise of development delays. Swift Maker turbocharges your app creation, delivering the fast lane from concept to market. It's not just about speed — it's about staying ahead. This is your ticket to a streamlined, efficient development process that scales as fast as your ambition.


  • RevenueCat Integration
  • Setup Remote Paywall
  • Ditch Free Plan Tutorial
  • Time saved: 4 hours

-- makers are already shipping faster!

Don't take my word for it. Here's what they have to say about Swift Maker.

  • Great product ! It will save so much time to setup an app. Good job man !

    Rémi Poulenard
    Rémi Poulenard's testimonial for Swift Maker
  • SwiftMaker helps me to finally dive into a side project that I thought about since years! I was missing time to craft the basics of the app. SwiftMaker brings it to me on a silver plate ✨

    Mathieu Santostefano
    Mathieu Santostefano's testimonial for Swift Maker
  • Swiftmaker has been a fantastic help getting my side project up and running quickly, has saved me a lot of time, and allowed me to getting to app store much quicker!

    Paul Byrne

Meet Valentin, Your Swift Maker Guide ✌️

Hey, I'm Valentin. For 5 years, I delved into the world of iOS freelance, clocking 80-hour weeks. Spoiler: it wasn't glamorous. Exhaustion became my norm, leaving zero room for life or laughs with my loved ones.

Enough was enough. I dropped the endless grind for something wild — I started my own business.

During app-making sessions, one thing became painfully clear: I was caught in a loop. The endless setup of the same Xcode projects, the repetitive screen designs, and those pesky back-end tasks. It hit me.

Why not streamline it? That's how Swift Maker was born —your shortcut to launching apps, reclaiming time, and ditching the digital déjà vu.

I build it for 3 reasons:

  • To reclaim time and Focus on crafting apps that resonate.
  • To ditch the frustration Say goodbye to In-App Purchase setups and security loopholes.
  • To profit, and swiftly--launch better, faster, stronger and earn sooner

Join hundreds of folks following my journey on the Swifty Ship newsletter Or catch the real-time saga on Twitter , where I spill all my secrets.

From side projects to main hustles, I'm now in the business of shipping apps. And guess what? You can be, too.


Save hours, ship faster, and get profitable sooner!


Perfect if you only want the iOS project




  • Ultimate SwiftUI Project Boilerplate
  • Complete Project Documentation
  • Script for auto-shipping apps
  • Secure Vapor Backend
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Premium Support
  • Exclusive App Maker Community

Pay once. Access forever.


Premium Max

iOS Project + Backend + Exclusive perks




  • Ultimate SwiftUI Project Boilerplate
  • Complete Project Documentation
  • Script for auto-shipping apps
  • Secure Vapor Backend
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Premium Support
  • Exclusive App Maker Community

Pay once. Access forever.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You must have a Mac to take advantage of the boilerplate.
  • Once you join Swift Maker, you will receive the project with its documentation to get you started.
    Suppose you choose the Premium Max plan. In that case, you will be requested to provide your GitHub username to get access to lifetime updates.
    The Premium Max plan also includes:
    - A back-end Vapor server.
    - A script to auto-ship your app.
    - Access to the exclusive App Maker Community.
    - Premium support.
  • It has been decided to take advantage of a modern, long-lasting codebase. Therefore, the minimal version is iOS 17.
  • Swift Maker is more than just boilerplate. It is an ecosystem to build iOS apps faster and better. You are not just buying a codebase, but a whole systemic approach to ship your app. You will get a booster for your iOS app making career. The concepts would be transposable to any other app you will build.
  • Swift Maker is designed to accelerate development for all levels, with tutorials and guide. If you are beginning, it is the perfect time to get ahead and learn about how making an iOS app.
  • I use it for all my new iOS app projects, so I update it regurlarly
  • Once you join Swift Maker, you get have access to the code forever. Therefore, there is no refund possible. However, feel free to reach out if you encounter any issue